This image is one of my final pieces from my university photography project. I first converted the photo into black and white and cropped it to fit the CD dimensions. Personally i much prefer black and white images as i think they have a much stronger impact as opposed to colour. Black and white also allowed me to experiment more with fonts and colours as they were less likely to get lost amongst the array of background colours. From looking into existing album covers i found that this is a technique regularly used.
I went on to place my text in multiple locations around the page to get an idea of what worked best.
I decided that the pink font was too difficult to read and didn't make enough of an impact on the dark background. Instead, i changed this to blue which is not only easier to read but also connotes the concept of freedom, linking in with the title 'Breakaway'.
I decided that this was the best place to position the text as the solid dark background really allows it to stand out. The other positions i tried weren't nearly as effective as the text wasn't eligible on the textured backgrounds. I took care when positioning my text, making sure to apply the rules of alignment which are important to any graphic design project.
I wanted to choose a fairly simple font because the image already has a very strong impact and i didn't want to take too much attention away from this. I really liked the font used on Ellie Goulding's 'Halcyon Days' so i tried to find something similar for my own cover. The closet i could find was 'Microsoft Yi Baiti Regular' - I then spaced out each letter to create the effect i originally had in mind. For the album title i chose the contrasting font 'Segoe Script Regular' - I think these work really well together and the hand written style of 'Breakaway' adds more of a unique, personal touch.